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Reopening Protocols

2021 HBC Reopening Scheduled for June 15!

In order to balance convenience and an enjoyable bridge-playing experience with our concern for the safety and well-being of those who will play at our club when it reopens, the finance committee and other board members contacted more than two dozen clubs to gain intelligence on what they’re doing and what protocols they are or will be using when they reopen. Additionally, we have taken into account the responses to our survey in April. We again thank the 233 members who responded.


We have also reviewed carefully the pertinent CDC guidelines, the ACBL’s guidelines and the recent guidelines of state and local authorities. We recognize that those guidelines are constantly shifting and that we may determine to change our protocols after reopening. We also recognize that despite our best efforts we might not be able to provide everyone the level of comfort they desire. Nor can we eliminate all risk. We do ask all of our members to respect and adhere to the protocols and playing conditions. We welcome your comments. Please read the following carefully.


Protocols for Participation


Proof of vaccination will be required. Members can either submit a photo of their vaccination card to at any time before they first play or bring proof of vaccination to the club the first time they play. A list of all members who have supplied proof of vaccination will be kept by the directors. No one will be allowed to play without proof of vaccination.


Masks will be optional -- with one exception. If a player requests that masks be worn at his or her table, then everyone will be required to wear a mask while at that table. Masks will not be required at other times. Everyone should be respectful of other players’ decisions to wear a mask or to ask others to wear a mask at their table. Masks will be available at the club for those who forget theirs.


Do not to come to play if you’re feeling ill or showing any signs of illness.


Preregistration will be required.

We are trying to make this as convenient as we can, so alternate methods of preregistration will be provided for those who can’t preregister online and preregistration will be possible up to ½ hour before game time, if space is available. Specifics regarding preregistration will be provided closer to reopening.


Protocols During Games


Games will be limited to 16 tables to allow adequate spacing between tables.


Game fees will be collected at the table and everyone is requested to bring exact change to minimize contact. Game fees will remain at $7 for members, but will increase to $10 for nonmembers. Memberships for the remainder of the fiscal year can be purchased by new or returning members for only $15.


Two hand-sanitizer stands will be available and hand sanitizer also will be provided at each table.


Rubber gloves will be available for those who desire them.


Playing cards will be used only once a week.


Bidding boxes will be available for purchase through the club if any player wants her or his own bidding box.


No food will be permitted at the playing tables.


Food may be brought in bags or containers by players, but must be eaten away from the playing tables. Food brought to the club may not be stored overnight at the club. Food left at the club after the last game of the day will be disposed of.


No food will be provided by the club.


Water, coffee and tea will be provided. Soda (for the traditional $.50 price) will also be available.


Other Items of Note Regarding Reopening


We have reviewed CDC and EPA guidelines on ventilation and had extensive communications with our own HVAC provider as well as other HVAC providers regarding ventilation. As a result, we will be running the fan on our two air conditioners continually. (Players might want to bring a sweater.)


Our air conditioners are equipped with filters with the highest MERV rating that doesn’t run the risk of damaging the units.


We have installed new touchless faucets in the bathrooms and in the kitchen. In addition, we have installed touchless paper towel dispensers in the bathrooms.


We have developed an initial schedule of live games starting Tuesday, June 15, which we will continue to evaluate and adjust going forward. The club will also continue to offer a robust schedule of online games on BBO. We appreciate member participation as we try to balance the needs of all of our members.


Again, we welcome your comments. Most of all, we very much look forward to seeing many of you again at the club and thank you for your loyalty and support. Patience will be our watchword and we hope it will be yours as we move forward in these challenging and uncertain times.



Thanksgiving Slam Scores a Big Win for Foodshare!


As a result of our Thanksgiving Slam charitable efforts for the month of November, the Hartford Bridge Club donated more than 16 boxes of healthy food and $1100 in cash to Foodshare

That means we provided enough food and funds to feed more than 30 families for an entire week.

Our heartfelt thanks to Bill Wininger for coordinating this effort -- and most of all our thanks to you, our club members, for all your contributions!

 HBC Members Qualify for National Finals


At the recent regional tournament in Mansfield, MA, several club members participated in the New England qualifying event for the North American Pairs. Club member Victor King and his partner Sheila Gabay placed third in the A flight, for expert players. Club members Trevor Reeves and Felix Springer placed second in the B flight, for players with less than 2,500 masterpoints.


Consequently, these members will now represent New England in the National Finals, to be held in Columbus, Ohio in late March. Congratulations and best of luck!



HBC Now Has a Game Clock

As most of you have probably noticed, HBC has added a brand new game clock to the club's decor. Located on top of the tall cabinet near the directors' desk, the clock shows the current round and the number of minutes left in the round.

Two minutes before the end of each round, the clock beeps twice. No new boards may be started after the two-minute warning.

Four beeps indicates the end of a round. At that point, boards in play should be finished promptly, completed boards should be passed to the next table, and pairs that are finished may ask for their new boards.

We hope the clock will help keep the rounds moving more smoothly, reduce late-round noise, and help all players better judge how much time they have to play each board.

So keep your eye on the clock!


Longest Day Results

We are proud to announce that this year, HBC's Longest Day campaign raised $4,465 -- nearly $2,000 more than was raised in last year's campaign! Thanks to all of you who contributed through cash donations, raffle ticket purchases, and by participating in the events of the day!

Speaking of raffle ticket purchases, this year's raffle winners are:




Quilt 1:  Al Dornan

Quilt 2:  Lesley Meyers

Necklace:  Andy Boyer


Play With an Expert

Doug Doub:  Janet Shapiro
Jeff Brod:  Linda Levin
Frank Merblum:  Mary Ann Downes
Tom Joyce:  Monica Fay
Joel Krug:  Linda Levin
Frank Blachowski:  Vicki Albert
Joel Wolfe:  Carla Pariser
Y.L. Shiue:  Sharon Kochen


July:  Ann Lohrand
August:  Eizabeth Barnicott
September:  Elsa Suisman
October:  Lester Lipsky
November:  Ben Bishop
December:  Jan Moskowitz
January:  Lester Lipsky
February:  Pat Fliakos
March:  Betty Kerber
April:  Trevor Reeves
May:  Carole Amaio



Smiths Win GNT Qualifier

Smith, Susan.JPG
Smith, Michael.JPG

Long-time club members Susan and Michael Smith were on the team that won the Flight A GNT Qualifier in Sturbridge April 13 and 14.  They, along with their teammates, will represent the Northeast Region in Las Vegas in July.

Hartford Bridge Club Celebrates Six New Life Masters


Welcoming a new Life Master is always a noteworthy event, but on April 7th, the Hartford Bridge Club had the privilege of welcoming six new Life Masters in a single event. Weeks were spent organizing the “Eight is Enough” celebration -- a Swiss Team event specifically structured to encourage newer players and advanced players to team up to play. In an “Eight Is Enough” game, each team member is assigned a point value -- from one to three -- based on his or her bridge level. No team may have more than eight points. The planning committee and new Life Masters agreed that the unique “Eight is Enough” format emphasized the central role of mentors and more experienced partners in helping newer players develop their duplicate bridge skills. The game also gave players who had never participated in a Swiss Team event the opportunity to become familiar both with the structure of a team game and with the strategy of playing IMPs while still remaining competitive in an open event.  Players without partners and partners without a team had a special sign up and teams were created for everyone who wanted to play.


On game day, the club was at capacity with 36 teams! The day began with a sumptuous potluck lunch, followed by introductions of the 6 new Life Masters and the presentation of their Life Master pins. Name tags ensured that club members who hadn’t met before would get to know one another. New partnerships and friendships were created across bridge levels -- and the day was enjoyed by all! The Hartford Bridge Club extends hearty congratulations to John, Nancy, Xenia, Betty, Don and Tina, whose accomplishments allowed the Hartford Bridge Club to showcase its motto -- “The Club with a Heart!”

Pictured from L to R: Xenia Coulter, Tina Yablonski, John Calderbank, Nancy Calderbank, Betty Kerber and Don Muller


New 6:30 Tuesday Evening 0-49 Game!

Preceded by Mini-Lesson at 6:15

Begins April 30


HBC is proud to announce the latest addition to our family's educational lineup. Beginning April 30, 2019, we will be offering a new 0-49 game on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Each game will be preceded by a 15-minute mini-lesson at 6:15 p.m.

We hope our newest players who have learned or relearned bridge basics at Bill and Laurie's excellent beginner classes, as well as those who have gotten a feel for duplicate play at our nurturing Thursday afternoon supervised novice game, will be excited to leave the nest once a week to play with their peers in a regular format duplicate game that awards masterpoints.

We're very excited to offer our first-ever evening novice game and we look forward to seeing you there!

Cards4Kids Campaign A Success!


For the holiday season, HBC committed to sharing our love of cards and to supporting hospitalized children at Connecticut Children's Medical Center.  Our club's response was generous beyond anything we could have anticipated.  We collected 285 decks of cards, purchased $360 of gift cards, and donated $657 from our charity games! From the parking attendant to the Development Office, Children’s Medical Center was delighted and grateful for our contributions. Once again, we more than lived up to our motto and showed ourselves to be the club with a very large heart.


Cards4Kids chairperson Riva Lewinter, HBC board president Trevor Reeves, and club manager Donna Feir celebrate the campaign's success.



If you are not feeling well, PLEASE stay home.

At this time of year, so many people are coughing and exhibiting other signs of a cold.  

We are not asking this for your comfort, but for the health of our many members.  No one wants to get sick.  Please don't expose us to your germs.




Clarification of HBC Policy on Member Illness Announcements


How to Handle Member Illness--At the request of a member, a member's family or a member's friend/bridge partner, the HBC will post the information on the white board and send out an email requesting cards, calls, and/or visits as specified by the member.  Members may want to limit specific medical information and just need good cheer.  To make a request, call the HBC or speak in person with any of the directors.  All directors will give the requests to Donna, the Club Manager, and she will have the information posted.  The HBC respects the privacy of its members and will not post any medical information without permission from its members or someone acting on behalf of a member.


A concern regarding extended absence of members who are known to play at the HBC on a regular basis:  If you know of a member who is absent, please let Donna know.



Changes?  Let us know!


If you move or change your phone number or email address, please inform Donna .

The email address at the club is: 



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